One Thing I Will Give the IRS Credit For: Decent Hold Music

Jamie Lloyd
1 min readDec 7, 2020
Photo by Chase Chappell on Unsplash

As part of my new mission to find gratitude in unexpected places, today’s tip of the hat goes to the Internal Revenue Service for their benign and generic hold music. It’s completely unobtrusive — you can actually just put your phone on speaker and go about your business while waiting for someone to pick up.

I work for a university that has the worst hold music in the entire world. It’s classical, but this terrible aggressive crashy-bangy piano set to volume 11 that actually hurts your ears and is impossible to tune out and do anything else. Fix your hold music, [redacted] University!

Another point of gratitude — being able to work from home allows me to sit on hold with the IRS for half an hour before the start of the workday, when I would normally be commuting on the subway with spotty cell service. If you can find something positive about talking to an IRS agent on a Monday morning, then you’ve got being thankful pretty much down pat.

“That attitude of gratitude — it ain’t just a platitude.”



Jamie Lloyd

Personal Essayist and NYC-based educator, following my nose through life.